Frums Glass Menagerie
Friday, August 9, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Police Help A Black Bear
Last night my parents called and were all excited because when they pulled out of their driveway, they were stopped by 2 state troopers who had their cars set in the 3 lane road stopping traffic (photo above is the exact location). Crossing the road was the same bear. It was 10-12 miles from the place my father saw it almost 2 weeks ago. My parents were going on and on about it being the same bear and how it was possible as a bears territory is large, etc. My father was so sure is was the same bear.
So I wondered...isn't the fact that 2 state troopers were escorting a bear across a highway more interesting than the fact that it was the same bear? How did the police know it was crossing at that time? Hmmm?
I am inspired to go paint a bear. I'll let you know how it comes out.
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Peter Carl Faberge 166th Birthday
Faberge changed the way Russian Tzar's thought about jewelry. His amazing work featured the highest quality craftsmanship and not necessarily lots of precious gems of high monetary value. Lots of gemstones, to show off their monetary wealth, had been what the royals had previously desired. This is a change someone like me who loves handcrafted art can appreciate...also, I will never have a royal's purse.
These eggs always remind me of the 1970s craft kit I was given as a child. It had a plastic egg, which was to be decoupaged, hinges attached so that the egg opened, metallic trim to glue on. It was thing of beauty when I was done. I say that with much sarcasm. It really was a huge gluey mess, with doors barely hanging on. What fun!
This site has an interesting historical summary of Faberge, the Russian Romanov's, and other tidbits of info:
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Strawberry Rhubarb Pie
I may be a lazy blogger (Yes, it has been months and months since I last posted), but never too lazy to make pie.
Monday, January 16, 2012
I found the above photo, which was taken about 9 years ago, from my kitchen window. This coyote was eating wild pears that had fallen from that old tree. Coyotes are nocturnal, so seeing them in the day is unusual for us.
One of the blogs I visit frequently is all about a coyote named Charlie:
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Happy New Year 2012!

Wishing everyone a very healthy and happy new year.
I thought I'd sart this year with a few photos I did not post earlier:
Our holiday card with the ornament I received from my Etsy Team Pets Jubilee gift exchange. The sculptured poly clay ornament was custom made of Sweet Pea in her hat. Sasha of the Etsy shop, SassySashadoxie sent it along with a lovely bone shaped italian greyhound Christmas stocking. I suspect Sasha's human owner and slave had a lot to do with assembling this cherished gift.
The second photo shows Pea in her Max hat. The Grinch would be honored to be the inspiration for such a cute hat...even before his heart grew. Both hats are made by Diana of Etsy Shop StylinDogsBoutique.
More dogs in hats....My nephew's drawing from Thanksgiving.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Halloween was Cancelled
Friday, August 19, 2011
Celtic Elegance
Solange of Beadie and Things offered two turquoise jasper beads to be used in her blog challenge. I jumped at the opportunity and came up with these Celtic Elegance earrings. Queen of procrastination, I waited till the deadline day to start them. They are so completely different from the flower pot themed earrings I had in my head. I am pretty happy with them and plan to keep for myself. So anxious to see what others have come up with using the same beads.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Friday, July 8, 2011
Birthday Week 2011
Birthday Week 2011, a set on Flickr.
Sharing our birthday celebration with you all. We celebrate 4 doggie birthdays this week. They turn, 14, 13, 13, and 11.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patrick's Day

For each petal on the shamrock
This brings a wish your way -
Good health, good luck, and happiness
For today and every day.
May your blessings outnumber
The shamrocks that grow,
And may trouble avoid you
Wherever you go.
~Irish Blessing
Did you know "The Wearing of the Green" Irish street ballad dating to 1798? The song speaks of the repression around the time of the Irish Rebellion of 1798. Wearing a shamrock in the "caubeen" (hat) was a sign of rebellion.
Speaking of green, here is a new necklace I am about to list on Artfire.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Diapered Ducks and Italian Greyhounds

As I child, I longed to have a duck as a pet. My grandmother's cousin had a pet duck named Sammy. I had met Sammy a few times and wished my parents would allow a duck inside. My family had a tiny pond on their property, so there were tame ducks that my sister and I snuck inside to watch the TV with us, but full time pet ducks were not really welcomed in our parents home.
Recently, I was in touch with a friend of our family, who shared photos of his duck. It is a Call duck named D-For and has been a part of his family for 5 years. The photos above show D-For with Millie the dog, whom he shadows and thinks is his Mom. In two of the photos, D-For is wearing diapers inside the home. I'm still puzzled over how one diapers a duck. How would you get a diaper to stay on a duck?
Click here to see a video of D-for playing tether ball.
Raising a duckling as a pet would be a fun thing, but a huge commitment. I was surprised to learn, duck's can live from 10-30 years depending on the species. D-For has an expected lifespan of 20 years. One needs to spend time with a bird, everyday, as interaction is vital to a bird's health.
As long as I'm 'ducking' you, I thought I'd share this picture of a bread box I am slowly working on. It is painted with acrylics and is not my own original design. I need to finish the highlighting of the ducks, plus highlights and shadowing of the leaves.

Thursday, February 3, 2011
GraceBeading for Greyhounds
I thought I would post this long overdue public thank you to Grace of GraceBeading for her donation to Italian Greyhound Rescue Fund. I donated some of my greyhound cabochons to be used in a project she was making for a friends greyhound rescue organization. She in turn, worked her beading magic, returning one of them to be donated to my favorite dog rescue group.
The above brooch was her gift to IGRF and is available in my Etsy shop, until the next Biggie Iggie Auction. Below are the 2 items Grace created and donated to a greyhound organization. Check out her blog links, as the photography on Grace's blog really show off the detailed bead work. Entering the GraceBeading Blog is like visiting another world. The detailed work you'll find there is so amazing. If you appreciate handcrafted items, you'll be mesmerized.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Happy Ground Hogs Day!
Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow this morning. If we are to believe Phil, spring should come early this year. I sure hope his prediction is correct. It would be nice to have the continuous dumping of snow here in southern New England stop, or at least, come with less frequency.
Did you know Phil is not the only shadow watching predictor of spring? Apparently, there are quite a few busy ground hogs on February 2nd:
Buckeye Chuck of Marion, Ohio
General Beauregard Lee resides outside of Alanta, Georgia
Charles G. Hogg (Staten Island Chuck) of Staten Island, New York
Wiarton Willie from Wiarton, Bruce County, Ontario
Shubenacadie Sam of Nova Scotia
If you click on the cute photo of the two ground hogs, you'll be linked to the photostream of the photographer on Flickr. He has a few more Ground Hog romance photos.
Here are some photos from the day after the January 27th storm; officially 18.5 inches. From left to right: 1. The view from our kitchen window, which is 4.5 feet from the ground. 2. Our deck 3. Our sidewalk and driveway.
5. Cat with pinecone tail. 6. Door decoration made prettier with a touch of snow. 7. Shoveling sidewalk and driveway. Can you see hubby in the distance?
Shadow or not, It will be a long while before the snow melts, the wetness dries, and I am out in my garden. At this time, I welcome the thought of Punxutawny Phil's cousin's, bunnies, and deer invading my summer garden.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Unofficial Etsy Forums

Great News! A fellow Petsjubilee Team member is the administrator of a new forum site, the Unofficial Etsy Forums.
Keith of Butterfly Bay Design is the administrator of this new site, which came about due to Etsy forum changes and the huge out cry against them.
The new owners of Etsy have rocked the world of their members, especially their forum users, by essentially doing away with nearly all Etsy forums. Rumors have it that what will be left will be a team only forum that resembles the Flickr groups. This will result in a place for team "pack" members to interact with themselves, but interacting between teams and individuals will be gone. I see this change as a way of getting members to reach outside of Etsy to promote their individual and team shops, therefore promoting the Etsy website.
These forum changes make me curious as to what other services Etsy will provide in leiu of the shutdown. When the brick and mortar shop continues to take a greater and greater percentage of your profit, you either pull your stuff from their shop or you ask what they are doing to help promote and encourage sales that are worth the changes. I believe one should pressure them to be creative and relentless in helping to sell your product.
I hope after the initial shock of these changes is past us, the Etsy community will question administrators as to what they are doing to promote our shops. I hope the future brings more advertising in print, radio, and television from Etsy.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Tuesday's Ta-Da
'LOVE my Way' by dragonhouseofyuen
valentines day? uh huh ... he loves you .... uh huh .... then show me the RING !! .... No pinky stuff here - this is the real deal!
![]() 317 SLEEPY - PHOTOGRAPH... $15.00 | ![]() Lana, the picaboo rabbi... $26.00 | ![]() Raw Diamond Sterling Si... $225.00 |
![]() Sun Pendant - Corn yell... $25.00 | ![]() A Rabbit for Easter $55.00 | ![]() Coffee And... Greeting ... $3.50 |
![]() PDF Crochet Pattern for... $2.00 | ![]() Small Bowl with Mishima... $24.00 | ![]() Semicircle Hoops $39.00 |
![]() SALE GIFT SET - 3 X Pu... $25.00 | ![]() The Floating World, an ... $146.00 | ![]() Bird Watching Fine Art ... $6.00 |
![]() Diamond Notebook $5.00 | ![]() Candy Dish or Knitting ... $70.00 | ![]() Upcycled fabric, Heart ... $9.00 |
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